9 Common Misconceptions About Restaurant Franchising

9 Common Misconceptions About Restaurant Franchising


A vibrant and profitable industry in the business world, restaurant franchising gives entrepreneurs access to well-known brands and tested business concepts. Potential investors may be discouraged by a few common misconceptions about restaurant franchising, though. Tandooriwala is one of the best restaurant franchise possibilities accessible, and we’ll dispel nine popular misconceptions about it in this blog post.


Here are 9 Misunderstandings About Restaurant Franchising


  • Franchise is expensive


The world of franchising encompasses a vast number of professions and sectors, and the start-up costs associated with them are as varied as the franchise brands that are accessible. Although some franchise opportunities demand a substantial initial investment, there are also plenty of low-cost franchises that can nevertheless produce a respectable income. It’s untrue to say that becoming a franchise owner requires having a lot of liquid capital.


  • Franchising is a corporate world


It’s a popular misconception that franchise brands are quite corporate, managed by “people in suits” who oversee the franchise team remotely from behind a desk. It goes without saying that big franchise businesses require a sizable head operations team in order to adequately service its network. However, there are other franchise-related industries where franchisors can run their businesses on a far smaller and more personal scale; one such industry is the children’s activities sector. Notwithstanding the magnitude of the parent brand’s operational staff, a successful franchisor will possess enthusiasm, resilience, effective communication skills, a supportive attitude, flexibility, and leadership. 


  • Franchising is just for fast-food and retail businesses


When asked to identify a franchise brand, the majority of individuals would probably name one of the major fast-food or retail chains. Nonetheless, franchising is a popular business strategy in a wide range of sectors, including printing, lawn care, fitness, and pet sitting. There’s a good probability that a profitable business can be converted into a franchise model if it can be taught to and copied by individuals in other geographical locations.


  • Franchising is an easy way to start a business


It’s true that purchasing a well-managed franchise gives you a head start on your business endeavors because the franchisor will supply you with the majority of the equipment you need to get up and running fast. Being a part of a franchise network also gives a franchisee access to assistance and knowledge to help them develop and expand their business after completing the initial setup and training. But owning a franchise does not imply you can ignore the work and just sit back and enjoy yourself. The degree of daily participation a franchisee has in their business is determined by the franchise model; nonetheless, operating a franchise requires the same time, passion, energy, and attention from the business owner as any other endeavor in order to succeed.


  • Buying a franchise is a guarantee of success


Everyone would be fighting to purchase a franchise if this were the case! The global pandemic has demonstrated that franchise businesses experience the same highs and lows as any other type of business. A franchisor can offer a tried-and-true business plan supported by their expertise, experience, and continuous assistance, which will probably greatly raise the likelihood of long-term company success. A franchisee will gain from belonging to a larger support network during tough times, giving them access to resources, guidance, and tools that will enable them to get through obstacles faster than they could if they were working alone. However, a franchisor cannot ensure success—franchisee owners are ultimately responsible for the franchise’s performance.


  • Franchise owners aren’t really business owners


This is untrue. By making an investment in the franchise model, a franchisee has chosen to assume the risks and benefits of being a business owner. Although there is a structure for franchisees to follow when running their business, they are still accountable for the day-to-day operations of the franchise, just like any other business owner. They must actively market their brand and drive sales, and they must make the same tough decisions that any other business owner must, like hiring and firing employees.


  • The franchisor will run the business for you


No, refer to the above. Once the franchise firm is up and running, the franchisee will need to put in the work to run the business; the franchisor will offer training and help during the setup phase and may supply facilities, equipment, and more. But a competent franchisor won’t vanish after the setup phase; instead, they’ll be there to provide the franchisee with opportunity for further guidance, training, and support as they grow their business.


  • You need a lot of experience to run a franchise


Certain industries have franchises where a specific background or skill set is required by the franchisor or will provide the franchisee with an inherent advantage in their operation. Only those with prior multi-unit franchise experience may be considered for franchise ownership by some companies; this is especially typical in the restaurant and hospitality industries. To be a good fit for their brand and business, franchisors will often be searching for franchisees with the appropriate transferable skills and personality attributes. Relevant or prior commercial experience won’t be necessary because the franchisor should offer comprehensive training covering every facet of managing the business.


  • Anyone can buy a franchise if the they have the money to invest


A franchise is a two-way relationship, a strong franchise network is any franchisor’s greatest asset, and most franchisors are very selective about who they take on board because they fear that a bad choice could harm the entire brand. From the very beginning of discussions between franchisor and would-be franchisee, and at every touchpoint, the franchisor should be assessing and evaluating if the prospective business owner is going to be right for their brand and their team.


Tandooriwala: One of the Best restaurant franchises


In spite of these myths, Tandooriwala continues to be one of the greatest selections for restaurant franchises. Tandooriwala gives franchisees the chance to succeed in the cutthroat restaurant business with its creative menu, extensive support network, dedication to sustainability, and appeal on a worldwide scale. Tandooriwala gives restaurant franchise owners the tools and resources they need to be successful, regardless of their level of experience. With Tandooriwala, you can discover the fascinating world of best restaurant franchising without letting myths stop you.